Latest news about my work as an interdisciplinary artist… it’s a mad house at atelier CHAOS these days. My hours are filled with so many different things. I like to work on several projects at the same time, but at this moment it’s a real mix of everything. And it’s all so cool. The thing I’m worried about is that I’m my own manager and advisor…I mean, I do the whole stuff: e-mails, visits, arrangings, accountancy, visuals…creating and experimenting is one thing but all ‘manager-actions’ is not really my cup of tea. But hey, so far so good. When you run your own atelier, it’s like real business :).. There’s great NEWS! I have permission to say that our collaboration has started! I’m proud to announce that dutch designer Marcel Wanders, and I will be working | collaborate on a new knotted light sculpture design for Moooi, a dutch design label. This is at an early stage, but the first steps have been taken. Keep you posted in my ‘new blogs’.
I also mentioned that I’m so proud that my photos of the kNOTs are published in two beautiful magazines this Month. The October issue of Elle Decor Italia Magazine and the Hi-Fructose Contemporary Art Magazine. In the line up ‘media’ you can check more details. Still available in the shops ;).
Another big surprise was the press meeting about another project several weeks ago. My work as an interdisciplinary artis is about crossovers and exceed limits. A big part of my ateliertime I spend on my kNOT sculptures, but there is also a great collaboration with Oscar Venema. Together we’re known as ZKUMM (see info and photos in the bar > ‘ZKUMM’. We made a trip last year to Bayern München to photograph footballplayer Arjen Robben for a large scale artwork for the Noorderpoort College Sportcentre. And, we shot basketballplayer Jason Dourisseau for the same commissioned work. In the blackline below you can see the unveiling of our artworks. We’re so joyous the artworks have been wel received.
A few days before this festive happening the Prins Bernhard Culture Fond called me to report that I am nominated for the Cultural Talent Award 2019 wich is handed out by the Provincial Government Groningen. 11 November the winner will be appointed. I am very honored to receive so much appreciation at the moment.
And…still going strong with my CIRCULAR ART project for the House of Design. All the information below in black lines.
I’m going for a long weekend now. Tomorrow I’ll have a workshop and experiment with clay, to make sculptural elements to add to my kNOTs. Let’s see what it brings. Have a good weekend and take care