All good (media) kNOT project- related things came together in one week…
Tuesday there was a German TV crew in the atelier to make a broadcast / docu about my kNOT project…
There was a publication of my photos, my work and an interview in the Hi-Fructose Magazine issue october…
Suddenly there were 10.000 followers on my instagramaccount…
I’ve been called by The Prins Bernhard Culture Fonds that I was nominated for a Talent award…
Sometimes I can’t believe all this! I feel so honoured.
on instagram more images | news about kNOT issues | update. ATELIERCHAOS on instagram
The crew on location(s) atelier and my photography-location, an old fabric | model: Fareda Johnson
publications in the Hi-fructose contemporary art magazine, issue 53 October 2019