There has been some time between the last blog and this writing. It’s time for an update!
My exhibition in het Groninger Museum, called OPUS has been on display for about a full Month now. On June 1 was the opening which was done by Royal Highness Queen Maxima.
Slide | photos | Queen Maxima made the first symbolic knot in my installation OPUS | Groninger Museum
Very much honored the Queen took all the time to have a conversation about OPUS and thankful for the compliments she gave about my work. ‘Impressive’ and ‘powerful’ were here words… - 01-06-2021 -
Curious about the exhibition(s)? The Groninger Museum is open from Monday - Sunday 10.00 - 17.00 | you can check the site of the museum:
On Instagram [ATELIERCHAOS] there’s an update every week in my insta-story’s on ‘Museum Opus’ … I also give side information about the interactive wall; the growing sculpture; and more and more facts and photos about my expo.
And… I’m very much excited about the small video I’m making together with a magnificent videomaker. More to come, but it’s nice to mention that in this video I’ll give a glimpse in my life as a visual artist. Most people know me because of my knotted sculptures, but I do more visuals and artwork. You get a little bit more ‘me, myself, story and I’ :). I’ll keep you informed, we still working on this one.
Last Month I mentioned I also working on some small items for the Groninger Museum Shop, this is still in progress. I was hoping the items would be ready in time, but unfortunately the ceramic part of this items are slightly delayed. So keep you informed about this too.
So many beautiful things rolling my way right now and I’m so grateful for that! I can’t write about all at this moment, but I like to share with you one of these: some photos and a short-cut video I made of dancer Tresor moving with my sculptures. A lovely symbiose… (see insta).
photography by atelier chaos | model Tresor | June 2021
I love to share more soon. For now I wish you all the best. Don’t hesitate to contact me if you like to ask something. You can find me on instagram [pm] or mail at
Tresor Nzita Fatima, professional dancer | concept | video + art by Sandra de Groot | atelier chaos | June 2021