I can't believe how fast time goes. I start every blog with 'apologies' for the fact that it has been so long since I wrote anything. This is of course not entirely the purpose of a blog. I had planned to keep posting weekly developments and recent events here, but the time during covid I put everything very much in context. I didn't feel the urgency to write a blog. On my instagram ATELIERCHAOS I have faithfully published the developments regarding my studio. If there is no new blog for a while, then you can find me there…
But let me just start.
issue no. 3 | March 2022 | VW WONEN MAGAZINE
Publication VT WONEN magazine
I just got a copy of VT WONEN magazine from my letterbox and I am very pleased with the article in which I tell about my working method and also about my path that I have walked regarding the sculptures. I can hardly imagine there are 6 pages with an insight into my atelier. Photos assisted by an interview. Eveline, Mariska and Ernie, thank you so much for your time and dedication to make this a beautiful whole. I am honoured. The new VT WONEN will be available in many stores from tomorrow afternoon. I only added a ‘dot’ above, for more? check the magazine! :) (in the shop from Wednesday | March | 19th).
Groninger Museum Exhibition
Monday will be the day. I'm going to finish my installation OPUS and my sculptures will come back to my atelier. They had a beautiful stage in the Groninger Museum. They couldn't have wished for a better place to exhibit for 9 months. Every month I visited my own exhibition. Sometimes to observe, but mostly to add the works created by visitors to the growing artwork in the middle of the Art Space. The golden rope, made from recycled bottles, was braided, knotted by children, parents ... visitors and I was allowed to add these golden creative expressions. So nice to see how a joint work of art develops! I can never again enter this specific space of the museum without melancholy...it was a real pleasure for me to be part of this wonderful biennale. So Monday, 13th will be a special day! (photos of the OPUS installation at the Groninger Museum, below).
Textile Plus Magazine
The publications from different angles. It's like sometimes my work goes faster than I can keep up with. A few months ago the publisher of the Textiel Plus Magazine asked me if I would like to do a short interview, accompanied by a spreadsheet photo. I said ‘yes’ and the result is so beautiful again this time. What good writers and photographers we have. If you can make a nice whole out of my extremely quickly and often too spontaneously formed sentences...and take a good picture of my restless poses (I seem to have the photography-focus of a shrimp according to my friend), then I have deeply respect. Thanks Wouter, Auke and Monique for your time and endurance.
What’s next
New developments are in full swing. Finally, a few keywords and I promise to come up with a new blog about the outcome next month. Ok, there's something going on with regard to a nice gallery, a beautiful label and something with a private island…
Everything, but really everything I write above is in stark contrast to importance. I wake up every day angry and sad because there is so much going on right now. A lot of injustice and I feel empty, despondent and powerless. My creativity has therefore fallen to an all-time low and I really hope from the bottom of this crying heart that we come out of this turbulent time well. Keep believing, keep hoping.